“Becoming a teacher evolved over time. I wanted to be a writer or in theater, [so] I got degrees in English and theater and wrote plays. Every important job involved working with kids. After college, I [worked on] shows with kids, and [everything] I loved came together. That’s when I thought [becoming a teacher]. I went back to school [for] a master’s in education. [Being] 5-foot-2, I was a little scared to teach high school, thinking students [might] think I was younger than them, [so] I got a job at the middle [school] and loved [it]. I always wanted to teach high school, and [now I’ve finally done it]. I see [my students’] great writing, and it inspires me. I’ve written so much myself but haven’t sent much out [yet]. I think I’ll [focus on that] after I retire. This is my second year at Parkway West and my first [time] teaching high school, and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I love being [here].” – Marcy Rademeyer, English
Marcy Rademeyer, English
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About the Contributor

Yusra Khan, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 10
Years on staff: 2
Who is your favorite musician? Saint Levant.
What gets you up in the morning?First of all, God and my religion is what gets me up in the morning. Second, I get up because my parents put so much effort into building a good life for me and I want to give back to them.
What’s an unpopular opinion that you have? Froyo is better than ice cream.