“Sometimes I feel like I’m not good enough and that I can never get better. I’m still overcoming this [feeling]. I keep pushing myself everyday [to be a] better [runner] even when I might not be the best at it. I also see how hard the upperclassmen work and that motivates me to do better. A varsity cross country runner once told me that even when you feel pain, you can run through it. Because of that, I push myself, [and] see myself improve. After a meet, I feel accomplished and [as though] I’ve worked hard. I feel like I can do better at running if I keep practicing. [How I run] depends on how I think. If I think I can’t run — I can’t run. I [motivate] and tell myself that I’m a fast runner and everyone’s going to [surpass their personal record]. My biggest accomplishment so far was improving by 10 minutes on my 5K run. [It’s when I finally realized that] I am better than I thought I was.” Mahiya Pallipat, 9
Mahiya Pallipat
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About the Contributor

Yusra Khan, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 10
Years on staff: 2
Who is your favorite musician? Saint Levant.
What gets you up in the morning?First of all, God and my religion is what gets me up in the morning. Second, I get up because my parents put so much effort into building a good life for me and I want to give back to them.
What’s an unpopular opinion that you have? Froyo is better than ice cream.