“I’ve been playing baseball since I was four. The MLB inspired me to play, [but] my dad is my biggest inspiration. He’s very respectful and very hardworking. He taught me to stick close to your friends who will help you achieve your goals and not get in the way of them. Baseball has made me grow with the way I start friendships. It’s helped me grow [more with] athletic performances and how I accomplish things throughout life. Friendships play a big part in baseball, [especially] when you’ve been playing on the same team since you were a kid. It was really nice playing with the same people because I really got an understanding of who they are and how they play the game. You also get to see how they grow athletically and mentally over time. I formed friendships with those people I spent most of my time with and it was hard to leave that team, it’s like I left a family. [My goal for this season] is to lead my team and to have a really good record. I’ve already built relationships with my teammates through classes and just hanging outside of school.” – Isaac Sinak, 9
Isaac Sinak
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About the Contributor

Alyssa Gessner, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 9
Years on staff: 1
What is your favorite piece of literature? I don’t really know.
Who is your hero? My sister.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cane’s.