Stacking cans of food for Chazen vs. Wayland canned food drive, seniors Bryce Drake and Aamon Naig work together to load the cart. Chazen vs. Wayland is a longstanding campus tradition between social studies teachers Jeffrey Chazen and Annie Wayland; Wayland defended her title as champion and Chazen added to his now 14-year losing streak. “We all put our best foot forward and spent a couple of hours filling the carts, it felt great to be a part of something so neat and we all had a fun time doing it,” Drake said.
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About the Contributor

Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 12
Years on staff: 4
What was your favorite childhood TV show? Jessie
What is your favorite book? Where the Crawdads Sing
What motivates you? My passion, purpose and pride
Sarah Cummings • Jul 28, 2022 at 6:50 pm
Great work Bryce looks great!