Quiz: Which editor are you?
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About the Contributor

Mira Nalbandian, Managing Editor-in-Chief
Pronouns: she/her
I am a senior, and this is my third year on staff. I joined journalism to earn a CTE credit, but I’ve found that the Pathfinder has given me a unique, independently-driven space to improve my writing, critical thinking and interpersonal skills, as well as becoming one of my biggest passions. I consider myself an ambitious person, and I have a lot I plan on accomplishing. Outside of the Pathfinder, I am a leader of our school’s feminist club, menstrual equality club, advocacy club and am a member of several other politically-based clubs. I also enjoy playing field hockey, reading and watching Gilmore Girls (and wondering how Rory got into Yale with so few extracurriculars). Similar to Rory, I want to major in political science, English or international relations. My biggest goal is to learn as much as I can about the world and the people who live here, hopefully through lots of travel and different types of food.
Liv Bradshaw • Sep 15, 2020 at 8:06 am
I got Mira!