One of the most important days in the 2020 Democratic nominee election race, Super Tuesday, just ended, and the results may tell us who will win the Democratic nomination for the general election in November. In the past, it has practically defined who will win the nomination because more than a third of delegates distributed are up for grabs, and 16 states and US territories hold their primaries or caucuses on this day. Afterward, it will narrow down the race to the front-runners which is exactly what happened. Here are five takeaways from Super Tuesday of 2020.
Former Vice President Joe Biden had a surprising and historic performance
Before his win in South Carolina, Biden had been dropping in the polls, and his chances of doing well on Super Tuesday looked bleak. However, after a projected win in South Carolina, Biden used his fuel from this victory to establish his dominance across the South. Biden won more than 50% of the vote in Alabama and Virginia, more than 40% of the vote in Tennessee, North Carolina and Arkansas, and had large margins of victory in Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah. Multiple candidates that have dropped out of the race are endorsing Biden, which is only heightening support for him. This victory was crucial for Biden’s path to the nomination and established the two-man race between him and runner-up Senator Bernie Sanders.
Money can buy you delegates, but not many
In just the first 100 days of former New York City Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s campaign, he spent more than half a billion dollars in flooding airwaves across the country with campaign advertisements, hiring more than 2,000 people to his team and opening hundreds of offices to support his campaign. He was always seen as a novel candidate which is why, unsurprisingly, on Super Tuesday, Bloomberg disappointed with a result of 24 delegates. After his loss, Bloomberg announced Wednesday that he was quitting the race and endorsing Biden. This was not the stunning victory Bloomberg’s supporters were hoping for.

This infographic illustrates the distribution of the 1344 delegates that were allocated to all candidates that were on ballots for Super Tuesday.
Biden has the support of black voters
Biden had most of the momentum going into Super Tuesday by winning nearly 50% of the vote in South Carolina, and along with using this to his advantage, it also established the fact that Biden has the support of black voters across the U.S. A poll from the Washington Post shows that 48% of registered black Democratic voters helped him win states with saturated black populations such as South Carolina and Alabama. This support will continue to help Biden in his bid for the nomination in future primaries and caucuses of states that have high black populations.
Senator Elizabeth Warren massively underperformed
Warren was dropping in the polls heading into Super Tuesday but remained optimistic, hoping that she could edge out against her competitors. She didn’t. Warren lost her home state Massachusetts to Biden, finishing third, which set a precedent for what happened later that night. Warren failed to win a single state and almost fell behind in total delegates count to Bloomberg, 61-52. She has not announced her plans for the remainder of the race, but her chances of winning the nomination just decreased significantly.
Future dropouts after Super Tuesday
With a delegate count of 465 for Biden and 406 for Sanders, the two have established that they may be the last men standing. Multiple candidates have dropped out in the past week, including Bloomberg, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar who have all endorsed Biden. With these results, candidates such as U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard does not have any chance in nomination. Up until Super Tuesday, 1344 delegates were allocated, and Gabbard won one. Although her chances are grim, Gabbard may remain in the race as a platform for causes that she supports rather than pursuing nomination.
In the results of Super Tuesday, it is clear that Biden and Sanders are the only candidates that have a real shot of winning the Democratic nomination. Sanders believes that the outcome would have been a lot different if more young voters had voted, which is what he plans to rely on during the general election. After Super Tuesday, Biden has more momentum than ever. Past Super Tuesdays usually predict the nomination and with Biden’s historic turnaround, it is difficult to see it going any other way.