As the Seniors versus Faculty game breaks for halftime, English teachers Diana Lurkins and Taylor Rose, Principal Jeremy Mitchell, counselor Chris Lorenz and social studies teacher Nancy Sachtleben perform a kick line for the halftime show. The faculty came out ahead with a victory of 31-20. “My favorite part was performing next to Dr. Mitchell,” Rose said. “That was an amazing time because I think he had so much fun with it. Because he was having so much fun, the rest of us just went off of his good energy. It’s so cool that the Head Principal is so involved in Senior versus Faculty and he’s playing and dancing as well.”
Photo of the Week – Feb. 7
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Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - February 7
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About the Contributor

Ridwan Oyebamiji, Features Section Editor
Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 3
What’s your coffee order? Decaf Cappuccino
What song describes you best? I didn’t feel like answering this.
What is the one thing you cannot live without? Not feeling it today.