Photo of the week – March 12
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Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - December 6
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Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - October 18
ShowcaseSeason of giving, season of getting
ShowcaseSpread the wealth
ShowcaseFrom practice to performance
ShowcaseAnd the winner is…
ShowcaseThe long run
ShowcaseHaunting highlights
ShowcaseActivity across ages: Generational differences in political engagement
ShowcaseBehind the lens
ShowcaseLet’s talk politics
ShowcaseFall favorites: Essentials for the perfect season
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About the Contributor
Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 4
If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Biggie Cheese
Does the toilet paper go over or under on the roll? I don't care enough to put the roll on the holder; it just sits on the counter.
How many alarms do you set in the morning to get up on time? One on my alarm clock that I snooze every five minutes for 20 minutes.
Favorite Quote: "People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of." -Pablo Coelho, the Alchemist
Concerned • Mar 23, 2018 at 10:10 am
Thank you, Sachtleben, for addressing these issues.
Nancy Sachtleben • Mar 23, 2018 at 8:48 am
Thank you for changing the caption to reflect this photo more accurately. As I stated, I appreciate all you do and the amount of work you put into the stories you post.
Nancy Sachtleben • Mar 22, 2018 at 3:31 pm
I have a small issue with this photo of the week and the information written about it. The caption says the teachers by the doors in the gym are keeping track of the students going in and out and the teachers are telling the students if they left they would get a detention. This is misleading. Most of the teachers at the door and myself, were there for a vast number of reasons, perhaps to see/support/be informed by the students at the protest. The majority of the faculty pictured were not there to discipline and restrict the students. It should have stated this. The faculty by the doors going outside were the ones asking the students to stay inside and directing them to the gym. I would have to assume the photographer failed to get a picture of that so they used this one instead to go with the story line they already had planned to say-regardless of how it went down. Also the fact they were told they would get a detention-yet no one did-or did they? We don’t know because there is no follow through in an interview of the students who did leave or with the administration. Where is the story stating this? Not only were they not disciplined, but the administration provided microphones and tables with areas for students to register to vote showing they were truly there for the students and the students’ concerns. We have one of the most caring staffs and the writers of this heading and caption paints us in a different light, and I know we are not that way. Where is the photo showing the students who did participate and the student speakers who expressed their concerns so eloquently. Many of these teachers-who also don’t want to be shot-were so touched and proud of these kids, now this should have been the story.
Thanks for your time and all you do. The Pathfinder is exceptional, however, I just hope students are a bit more accurate the next time they include someone in a photo and don’t make such generalizations and assumptions.