In a season of resolutions, freshman Zoe Deyoung decided her New Year’s resolution would be to send an uplifting text or note to someone every single day.
“We have this opportunity to talk [to people] so quickly, and I think that it’s a really good way to encourage someone,” Deyoung said.
Deyoung was inspired by a girl on Instagram who sent Christmas cards to everybody at her school.
“People that I’ve talked to when they’re going through a hard time said that they really appreciated it, and it helped them to know that people were thinking of them and trying to help them,” Deyoung said.
Deyoung’s sister, freshman Audrey Deyoung, found out about this resolution on New Year’s Day.
“I’m not surprised she made this her resolution. She’s a really positive person and always tries to find a way to uplift someone,” A. Deyoung said.
Z. Deyoung sent sophomore Kelly Wehrmeister two notes on Jan. 6.
“[After] the first one she sent, I thought that she was super sweet, and for the second one, I was surprised, because she invited me to an activity with her church that I normally wouldn’t go to,” Wehrmeister said.
Wehrmeister thought it was nice to know that there are people who will take the time to really ask how she’s doing rather than just saying it as a courtesy.
“For both I felt very loved, and it meant a lot that I was in her thoughts when she had so many other things she could be doing and paying attention to. She took the time to check in on me, ask how I was doing and later, and invite me,” Wehrmeister said.
Whoever comes to mind first each day is who Z. Deyoung plans to text.
“I originally was going to [choose a more traditional resolution], but I think you need to love yourself and love other people before you try and change yourself or others,” Z. Deyoung said.