Storify is a collection of online media used to cover a given event, namely, the American Music Awards. This storify contains a variety of tweets from different sources pertaining to the night.
American Music Awards Recap: Storify
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A&EA mocha moment
A&EThe count of Compton
A&EReturn to roots
A&EBehind the lens
A&EFall favorites: Essentials for the perfect season
A&EBest of Homecoming spirit week 2024
A&EThe two Americas
A&ESpreading paw-sitivity
A&E2023-2024 Pathfinder Wrapped
A&EMusic for a movement
ShowcaseRigor mortis!
ShowcaseThrough the looking-glass
ShowcaseA legacy of leadership and excellence in sports
ShowcaseLives on the line: Gun violence’s impact on America
ShowcaseSeason of giving, season of getting
ShowcaseSpread the wealth
ShowcaseFrom practice to performance
ShowcaseAnd the winner is…
ShowcaseThe long run
ShowcaseHaunting highlights
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About the Contributor

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief
Grade: 12
Future / College Plans? Music Schools (which means being broke).
Swag level (1-10 Scale)? Kyla Hatton.
Fun Fact: I got a dumb haircut about a week ago.
Future / College Plans? Music Schools (which means being broke).
Swag level (1-10 Scale)? Kyla Hatton.
Fun Fact: I got a dumb haircut about a week ago.