As of Monday Feb. 11, 10:00 AM, sophomore Alison Owen is progressing. She is beginning to talk, telling her mother that she loved her. She told her mom, “you’re so pretty.” Owen has been able to only make small bodily movements and head nods until today.
There is still concern that the right side of her body has less movement than her left side. She will undergo a MRI at 12:30 today. In addition, all of her IV medication has been removed.
There is a possibility that Owen will be transferred out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Owen has asked her mother to see her phone.
“Ali will be surprised by the amount of text messages, calls, tweets, Instagrams and Facebooks she has received,” sophomore Hanna Rutter said.
Rutter was involved in the accident. She was released with a fractured collarbone and bruising.
For daily updates please visit Alison Owen’s Caring Bridge page: