On Thursday Jan. 24, Anthony Su was presented with the honor of being Concert Master, also known as first chair, at the All-State orchestra conference at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach, Missouri.
The orchestra concert consisted of three pieces: Festive Overture, Pictures of an Exhibition, and Sieben gluckliche Jahre, with multiple solos by Su.
“What was really fun was being able to work directly with the composer,” Su said, “We got his input of how he wanted it.”
With two seven hour rehearsals from Wednesday night to Saturday morning for an hour and a half, the work was intensive.
“It was definitely a lot of pressure,” Su said, “But it was really fun to play with musicians who are really talented.”
Su hopes to attend the All-State orchestra conference next year at Tan-Tar-A resort in Osage Beach, Missouri.
“Its a real honor for all the students involved to make the All-State Orchestra,” orchestra teacher Ed Sandheinrich said, “but to make Concert Master is something really unique.”